
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 6, 2020 18:05:26 GMT
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If there ever was a place, you do not want to go. Especially in the dead of night, and especially if you’re alone. There isn’t much worse you can do than the outskirts of Slateport for attracting the cockroaches of humanity.

A common sight was to find thugs, bandits and anyone else unwelcome in normal society. Restlessly standing huddled in groups – waiting for prey to stumble upon them. Or perhaps, to find one of those gambling games with the ball under the cups. Equally ready to rip the money from your wallet with no regrets.

None of this, really bothered Adriana though. Running away from home, living on the streets and dealing with the trash every day, tended to toughen a girl up.

On this night, she found herself wandering back towards the main body of Slateport. Head down, headphones blaring a loud anthem of rock into her ears. As she pretended not to see the bandits of common decency roam from the shadows. The old guitar case strapped to her back.

“I’m sure that’s a pretty piece. How’z about I buy it off ya. A dollar. Best offer?” The voice blared from a side street. A man stepped forward, face mostly hidden, except for a spike of white hair, protruding from beneath the hood. Adriana didn’t catch most of what he said, until he was a meter away. “Oii, don’t ignore me, babe. No need to be ignorant. I mean no harm. Well, if you don’t piss me off.”

A hand jumped forward, grabbing Adriana by the guitar case and pulled her forward. Taken unaware by the sudden attack – Adriana stumbled. The headphones fell to the ground and slid away, out of sight. The music dully played from wherever they had fallen.

“Now where were we. You’re a pretty little thing. How's about a date? You, me? That empty back street.” the man said, smirking a wide and uncomfortable smile. Adriana rolled her eyes. “I have better things to do than to kick the ass of every, neglected by mummy, punk that call these streets home.

“So, get your hand off before I break it off.” Adriana pulled her self away, distancing herself from the man by a few feet. “Ooo, this one got spunk. I like fire in my ladies.”

“Now, shall we try this again, girly.” The man reached down to his belt and pulled a Pokéball from the back. “So, let's go on a date?”

“I’d rather drink sewage,” Adriana said simply. “But if you want to battle so badly, then I can take you to school.”

The man scoffed which quickly turned into a smile. “But, if I win, you gotta be my girl.”

Adriana rolled her eyes, once more. “Dream on. Just pick a Pokémon and shut up.”

With a pop and a burst of white light, a grey dog-like Pokémon appeared in front of the bandit. “Me and ‘yena will kick your butt. One, two three.”

The Mightyena let out a low growl and readied itself for a fight. It had clearly been in a few brawls or two, judging by the many cuts and slashes between the folds of matted fur. Or maybe, it was merely neglect.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 8, 2020 12:21:56 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

For some reason, Thomas had stayed later than he should've in the outskirts of Slateport. Earlier, he had been looking for new Pokemon to add to his team, specifically to bolster his Gym with. The search spiraled into several hours, and ending with him coming up empty handed. If anything, Thomas lost track of time, badly, and ended up here at the worst time.

Not that it bothered him much, as he could handle himself, if trouble came. It was more of an annoyance, than anything.

On the hill he was on, he would spot a confrontation between a group of punks, and a young girl. On one hand, he could've stepped in, but seeing as there was a battle that was going to be taking place, he held off, for the time being. If the situation escalated, with the others attempting to gang up on her, especially if it ended less than favorably for them, then he'd be ready to intervene.

notes: Watching and waiting

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 8, 2020 13:07:00 GMT
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The Mightyena growled; a low, menacing bark. As if readying itself. The matted, black and grey fur moving slowly in the wind. Yellowing teeth visible between the pink gums and black jaw.

“I’m gonna show you how tough I am. Then ya’ll be all mine!” The bandit said, laughing a cold and high-pitched laugh. Adriana looked, both disgusted and annoyed. She reached down into a pocket and pulled a Pokéball from the depth. “Sure. Whatever. If you even make it that far.”

She threw the ball and it burst open. From the white light within, a purple ghost appeared and landed on their battlefield, floating a few inches from the ground. A wide Cheshire-cat smile and crimson red eyes staring at his opponent.

“That’s a pretty good Pokémon, maybe I’ll take that too. You wont be needing it after you’re my girl. I’ll protect you all day and night.” He grinned a devilish grin, almost as large as the Gengar that stood before him.

“You’re repulsive. I can’t wait to break you,” Adriana muttered, looking appalled.

“I’ll take the first move, then! It’ll be over in one. Mightyena, Crunch!” The mutt rushed forward, fangs bared – ready to strike. With a powerful leap, he jumped into the air.

“You know what to do,” Adriana said, nodding her head. At once, Gengar opened the ghostly mouth, wide. Far wider than it’d seem possible. The purple body lit by an aura of pure crimson. “Night Daze!”

The man pointed, hand out as if ready to speak his next command. But, paused in confusion. “What the hell… Gengar can’t u--”

Whatever else had had said was drowned by the attack that followed. The crimson aura began to expand outwards into something like a forcefield of intense energy. Before the man, or his Mightyena could react further. The aura burst like a balloon, expelling the swirling, mixed purple and crimson energy outwards.

The Mightyena flew backward, clearly dazed and shocked by the strange attack. Slamming into his trainer, both bandit and dog fell to the hard ground. After a second, he stood, wobbling. “You stupid… Gengar can’t learn Night Daze! Y-you cheating...” His face was tomato-like and filled with anger.

“As I said, I can’t wait to break you."

The man snapped his finger. The resulting sound echoed through the almost silent side-street.

“Boys. Back up! Now.”

Other men began to emerge from the shadows, where they had been hiding and watching from afar. Now, finally able to join in. Now their leader had called upon them. They all seemed to be wearing some kind of scarf or hood obscuring their faces. Most held knives in their hands or lead pipes. Others had Pokéballs which they threw up into the air and caught, deftly.

“Gotcha boss man. We’ll watch your back. Don’t you worry,” several of the bandits muttered as they slowly moving in and encircling Adriana. There was no escape.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 3:23:13 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas could only watch on as the girl and the thug battled it out. Sending out a Gengar against a Mightyena? It was a questionable choice, given the type disparity. But once the 'Gengar' made its move, it was clear what was actually going on. The 'Gengar' was actually a Zoroark, a Pokemon that Thomas was quite familiar with, especially since one played a vital role in his Gym.

And just as he expected, the gang leader called in backup. Whether armed with weapons, or Pokeballs, the masked men encircled the girl, ready to back up their idiot boss. It was clear that it was time for Thomas to intervene. Sending out Kalameet, Thomas quickly hopped onto the back of the dragon, before flying down to greet the group.

The Hydreigon would glower down at the group of thugs, a threatening look on his face. "You boys have about ten seconds to beat it, before my Hydreidon starts to make it rain on your heads.", Thomas called out to the group coldly. As he spoke, the three heads of the dark dragon would charge up a Pulse attack, two Dark Pulses, and a Dragon Pulse, clearly as a threat that it was willing to go through with. Meanwhile, Thomas got ready to send out the rest of his Pokemon, should the idiots decide to stay and fight.

notes: Direct intervention is necessary

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 20:53:02 GMT
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Adriana showed very little fear of the arsenal of weaponry pointing at her, plus a number of Pokéballs holding whatever nasty critters lay within. Not to mention the still-moving Mightyena, who had quickly recovered himself and was clearly eager for a second chance at a battle.

“Can’t face me alone? Had to call in your entourage?” Adriana said, rolling her eyes a little. “Not much of a first date, hmm.” The sarcasm rolled off her tongue as quickly as the men were advancing and closing in around her. Giving her little room to manoeuvre and even less to run.

“My dear, this is far past a date.” A devilish grin crossed over the hooded man’s face as he took a knife from the nearest thug and held it up. The silver glinting in the dim light cast by a broken and old street lamp.

‘Gengar’ looked to Adriana for instruction, unsure what to do. But before Adriana could give an instruction. Several things happened in rapid succession.

A Pokémon appeared from overhead. Falling like a great shadow onto the alley. Three long black heads, each ending with a large jaw filled with sharp teeth.

On the back of the Hydreigon stood a man. The man threatened to attack and seemed ready to go ahead with it. Judging by the way, the black dragon was charging up to attack. Something was oddly familiar about the voice. Even if it spoke far colder than Adriana had known it.

“What do we do boss?!” One of the lesser thugs said, literally shaking in his boots. “Run, now,” the lead thug said, recalling the Mightyena into the ball. “I—I… we’ll get you for this. Girl. Mark our words. You won’t hear the last of us.”

Like the infestation of cockroaches they truly were, the men scattered and ran. Some climbed over the nearby brick wall and rolled over, onto the bins beneath. Some fell back into the shadows and into the dark alleyways which mazed their way across the outskirts.

“Pfft. I could have dealt with it myself. I still had my Zoroark and Gengar too,” she said, coldly., approaching the man to continue to barrage him with her anger. “I don’t need, no god damn hero trying to sweep me off my feet like I’m a damsel in d–”

“Ugh” It wasn’t until Adriana had made it around the black dragon, did she catch the face of the man. “Why are you here. Why would it be you! Don’t you have more important things to be doing than to be ‘helping’ me out of scrapes,” she spat at her older brother.
“I was enjoying taking them down. I’d just take ‘em out one by one. I don’t need a protector, no more.”

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 16, 2020 21:52:33 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas watched the 'men' scatter like Ratatta into the shadows, in response to the threat. A part of Thomas was relieved that it was all that it took to end the conflict. On the other hand, he was disappointed that he didn't get to cave any skulls in. Still, it was objectively the better outcome. As the last man left, Kalameet would ease up, the charge of the Pulses dying down.

The girl, however, wasn't too pleased with the intervention. "Just a Zoroark and a Gengar?", Thomas asked the younger woman. Thomas stared blankly at the woman as she barraged him with anger, before realizing who he was. At that point, he too would get a better look at the teenager, realizing that it was his little sister.

"Good to see you too, sis.", Thomas replied to her.

"Do you think they would stand there, and let you take them out one at a time? Who knows what those fools were packing in their Pokeballs? No, they would've swarmed you, and your two Pokemon.", he retorted coldly. "Even I wouldn't want to be in that sort of situation without backup, or the ability to make an escape on my side. And from the looks of it, they were doing a good job of boxing you in.", he continued. Though his tone was biting and cold, truly, he was worried to death about his little sister.

He had been informed that she ran away from home. Though at this point, he wanted to know why she did it. He knew that their parents had taken the approach of sheltering her, the stark opposite of what they did for he and his twin sister. Was it out of some kind of worry after what happened to them? Whatever it was, he was more interested in answers, than taking her home. After all, she deserved to have a journey of her own, their folks be damned.

"Sis, you have a lot to learn.", Thomas told her, in the understatement of the decade.

notes: Oh boy

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 17, 2020 10:21:43 GMT
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How could it be? Out of everyone that could have seen her predicament and come racing to her rescue. Even if she thought the phrasing was stupid, and the damsel in distress trope outdated. Why out of everyone on this earth, did it have to be her older brother.

A new burst of fury threatened to explode from within her, roaring for freedom. But for now, she kept it under control. “I don’t care about them. I’d have taken them out, easily. They’re just stepping stones to get stronger. Anyway. I don’t need back up or help. I’m quite content with working on my own.”

“Help just slows you down.”

Adriana stepped forward, so they were only a short distance apart from one another. The ‘Gengar’ looked from one to the other. The girl who face has contorted with great anger. Her older brother whom looked cold but concerned. “Don’t worry, Zoroark. It’s nothing. Just old buisness,” she said, coldly. “You may stand down.”

With a slight pop and some acrid black smoke, the Gengar shifted back to her usual form, the black and red fox, Zoroark. It bowed its head to Adriana and stood back. “I caught Zoroark, as a Zorua. The day I left. She led me on my journey. Gave me a new look, even a new purpose.” She moved a hand through her hair, brushing it away from her eyes. “Not that I had one before… locked up in that house. Like a pampered princess. Watched and guarded, under lock and key. Not like you cared.” She spat the words at him, as if they were bullets from a pistol aimed into his chest.

Thoroughly infuriated by this entire situation, Adriana pushed past Thomas. Stopping just short of the circle of light cast by the dull, smashed lamp post. “So, what happened? Did you bang into a door or something?” A nasty sort of smirk crossed over her face.

“Looks like you’re the one who has a lot to learn to me,” she said, coldly. “I haven’t let myself get into any situation, I can’t handle.”

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played by


Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON May 17, 2020 17:53:27 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"You gravely underestimate scum like them, if you view them as mere stepping stones, or easy marks. I've heard several speak like that over the years, and the end result has never been pretty. They all end up getting themselves brutalized, or outright killed!", Thomas retorted.

As he suspected, the 'Gengar' was a Zoroark in disguise. Thomas was not surprised at all by the Dark-type's reveal.

Thomas would listen as Adriana would tell him what happened. That she was cooped up in the house, sheltered by their parents. His good eye widened. On one hand, it was a stark contrast to how they handled he and his twin sister, sending them out into the world at ten. On the other hand, with what happened to him in Kanto, and Andie's supposed death, he figured that those events would scare their folks off of letting her go on a journey of her own.

The remark about him not caring particularly stung. After joining the International Police, he had fallen out of regular contact with his family, focusing instead on his duties, and the pursuit of Team Plasma. Not only did it cause him to ghost on his family, but it would also cost him his relationship with his first girlfriend. In truth, Thomas felt guilty for putting his job before the ones that mattered to him the most. And what did it all amount to? Being dumped after things went awry during a mission.

"I-I had no idea.", Thomas croaked out. He was gonna have a word with their parents about that later.

But as soon as she went after his eye, his good one narrowed back at her. "Yet.", Thomas started harshly. "But with an attitude like that, you're gonna end up biting off far more than you can chew! And I can assure you, it will end in disaster!", Thomas told her. "I admit, I haven't been the best brother, nor the best son. But I do care about you all! And the last thing I want is to hear that they found you dead, or worse!", Thomas called out to her.

"Our parents made a mistake in trying to shelter you. They should've given you the same opportunity they gave me and Andie, even if it put us through the ringer.", Thomas told her. In truth, he didn't know if he was ready to tell her what actually happened to their sister, that she had apparently linked up with Rocket in the year that she was missing, only to reemerge around the attack on Slateport, and throw him off a rooftop in Lilycove City.

notes: tl;dr

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 17, 2020 18:44:34 GMT
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Adriana was slowly growing in anger. Her hands tightened in her pockets, the knuckles white over the Pokéball, she clasped. “I believe I’ll be perfectly fine on my own, ‘big brother’.” She put a cold emphasis on the final words.

After all, Adriana had made up her mind, years ago. No more was she a real Benoit. After years of coddling, controlling behavior. Unable to choose her own meals, her own clothes and what she did without someone looking over her shoulder.

“I have made up my mind. I don’t want your help or your guidance any more. What ever happens to me, happens. On my head, be it. This is my life to lead and I choose to lead it. I have almost fifteen years to make up for, after all.”

“Zoroark, come. We are done here,” she said, turning her back on both Thomas and the conversation. Closing the book on him and the family.

Adriana walked away, hands in pockets. Her head down but she didn’t look back. The black and red fox stopped – her head slightly tilted. The sharp eyes focusing on Adriana’s back as she made up her mind. Slowly and possibly against her better judgement, Zoroark turned back. Stepping slowly towards Thomas.

A claw raised into the air, held just below Thomas’s chin. Then, after a second… she flattened her palm. Upon the soft black fur, lay a slightly crumpled card. Adriana's Trainer Card, complete with her contact information. Zoroark growled softly and urged the card onto Thomas's hands. Bowing her head low as if trying to communicate a message to him.

“Zoroark. I said, we’re done. Let’s go.” A voice rang out from almost a street away. The black fox jumped and zoomed off in the direction of Adriana’s cold voice.

“It’s been a bad day,” she muttered, more to to herself than to Zoroark, as she caught up. “I think we should move on.” As they walked, a fierce downpour of rain fell over the pair.

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